Search for the LinkedIn URL using a company name. Works well when the company name contains extra words that prevent exact matching with databases.

Your goal is to find the LinkedIn company url for a company name.
If the company is a country subsidiary, we want the parent company LinkedIn url.
You will do that by first removing any country information from the company name. 
Then you will search on Google for a LinkedIn Company link matching the parent company name. A LinkedIn company name has the following format
If not found, do a search on Google to get the website for the parent company name and scrape the website to find the LinkedIn company url.

The company name to process is: account %CompanyName%

How to use this prompt on a CSV file?

Datablist allows you to take an entire CSV file and run prompts directly on every line. Whether you're cleaning data, generating summaries, or transforming text, this method saves hours.

The great news is that the prompt you need is already available in Datablist under the "Templates" section. No need to start from scratch! Simply select the template that fits your task, and it’s ready to run on every line of your CSV. This makes it even easier to transform your data with just a few clicks.

Import your CSV file in Datablist. Then select "Enrich" from the header.

Select Enrich
Select Enrich

Then select the template: Company Name to LinkedIn Url

Select Enrich
Select Template

Replace the variables from the prompt with your collection's properties using {{

Use your data
Define variables using your collection's properties