In December 2022, I published a blog article introducing Datablist for Lead Management. I shared a preview of the next features to be developed on Datablist.
In January, the first iteration was released with tons of new features!
New header
A new collection header was released in January. It is responsive and easier to read.

It is split into 3 parts: Collection Information, Search and Filters, and actions. Filters can be saved with "Saved Filters" (more about that later).
Actions are grouped in 4 menus: Import, Export, Clean, Enrich, and Edit. Read our Datablist for Lead Management post to learn more on that.
The columns headers have been improved. The items count is available on the top right, and a menu to manage a property pop up on a column click.
A "New Property" shortcut has been added near the right of the columns.

Clean and Edit features
Cleaning and editing data is a strong focus for 2023 (see our Datablist 2022 in review blog post).
In January, I added two long awaited features: Find and Replace and Bulk Edit. You can read the Find and Replace documentation and the Bulk Edit documentation to learn more.
DataType conversion
A core concept with Datablist is to work with data types. In spreadsheet tools, data is mostly text with some "formatting". Working with date, boolean, number, etc. is a pain in Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel.
A new DataType conversion tool has been released in January to quickly create Datetime, Number, and Checkbox properties from a Text property. Check our Text to Datetime, Number, Checkbox documentation.
This tool will be improved to convert data from and to any DataType.
Import from collection
Import data into your collection from another collection. With this feature, it is now easier to have segmented lead lists and build a master list.
Join on a property during the import
Consolidating data is an impossible task on spreadsheet tools. It was previously possible in Datablist with the "unique values" option in a property.
Joining CSV files or two collections to consolidate with an identifier is now accessible directly during the import process.
When importing data into an existing collection with data, a new "Join" toggle is available on the mapping properties.

Then, in the options, you can select LEFT OUTER JOIN or FULL OUTER JOIN to import only matching items or all the items from the import file.

Saved Filters
Creating segments in a collection is now possible with "Saved Filters". This feature is accessible when you have at least one filter enabled on your collection. Click "Save Filters" to save them in your account. Saved Filters are shared with your team members.

- Use the import file name to rename the collection after an initial import
- Option to prevent duplicating data during a collection cloning
- Duplicate property with an option to copy values
- Show "tooltip" with editing how-to after double-clicking on a cell
- Add keyboard shortcut to close modal with Escape on Delete Collection and Duplicate Property modals
- Improve copy-pasting behavior
- Disable horizontal over-scroll on datatable to avoid the browser previous page behavior
- Fix deduplication algorithm on multi-properties analysis. The bug led to misses in the duplicate check.